
Friday, March 1, 2019

Decoupage Wall Clock Tutorial by Meeta Bhalotia

Hello Friends,
I am back on Prika's Blog with a lovely and super fun Friday Craft Inspiration for you all creating a decoupage wall clock. 
Let's get set to begin with simple steps of making and firstly collecting all the required supplies.
➤ MDF clock base 12”
➤ Craftyscrappers : White Gesso
➤ ItsyBitsy Products:
➤ Tissue Napkin
➤ Chalk Paints : Muted Teal, Lemon Chiffon, Snow
➤ Decoupage Glue, Decoupage Varnish
➤ Pearlised Metallic Paint Chocolate
➤ Mixed Media Fiber Paste
➤ Heat Tool
➤ The Craftreat Products :
➤ Clock Stencil
➤ Mini Rose Background Stencil
➤ Clock Machine
Let's begin with steps of making:
Step.1: I first cleaned the base with sandpaper and then primed the round MDF clock base with white gesso
Step.2: Then painted the whole thing with chalk paint

Step.3: Then painted with white and yellow chalk paints randomly.

Step.4: I then took a floral tissue and cut the flowers designs with a wet brush and arranged them on the clock base
Step.5: Now with the decoupage glue I stuck all the floral pieces and pressed them with a plastic sheet so that there are no air bubbles between the base and the tissue.

Step.6: Gave one coat of decoupage varnish.
Step.7: Heat dried them.

Step.8: Now with help of a clock stencil and metallic paint I made the clock dial.

Step.9: Now with a rose stencil and fiber texture medium I randomly made designs on the clock

Step.10: Finally I distressed the edge of the clock with the metallic paint.

Step.11: Spray varnished the whole clock twice.
Step.12: Fixed the clock machine and my clock is ready.

Hope you all enjoyed this simple yet amazing way to add a clock to your home decor with your choice of patterns and colour. Do leave your queries or feedback below to help us know about your thoughts. 
Thanks and Regards
Meeta Bhalotia
Happy Crafting!!
Keep Following Prika for more amazing craft inspirations!!


  1. Wow! Nice and easy techniques Meeta. The design has come out so good. Well done.
